Avenues of Adoption
There is more than one way to adopt. In fact, there are six. Which one is right for you? 

Find out in Adoption & Beyond’s mini-course, designed to help you discover all the different ways you can adopt, while also learning the requirements and next steps for each.
There’s no doubt about it — the adoption process can be intimidating. You know you want to welcome a child into your home, but you aren’t sure where to start. There are many options, each of them with their own requirements, costs, and wait times.

 How are you supposed to know what’s right for you? Knowledge is the first step.

Whether you already have an idea of what may be required of you, or are totally new to learning about adoption in general, The Avenues of Adoption Mini-Course will help make the process easier to understand. 

 It comes with a downloadable guide and video lessons on each method, so if you aren’t sure which to choose, or you’ve already ruled out a few options, you can start the process with confidence and clarity because you’re armed with the right resources.
What’s Included in our Adoption Avenues course:
Learn the requirements for each avenue of adoption, such as: 
  • Parent age requirements 
  • Marriage status requirements 
  • Financial stability 
  • Medical History
  • Processing time 
  • Average cost and fees associated 
  • And more! 
 We’ll also introduce you to avenues for adoption that you may not have known about, like…







Hear what others are saying about working with Adoption & Beyond…
    From start to finish, you can complete the course in roughly 30 minutes.
    Yes, this course is designed for U.S.-based families looking to adopt a child of any age in any of the 50 states. We also cover foster care adoptions and international adoption and what to expect as an adoptive family.
    Once you purchase this course, the information provided inside is yours to keep for the lifetime of the course!
    I can guarantee you will learn all the avenues of adoption and how to get started in the adoption process. But, we cannot guarantee that a family will qualify for or complete an adoption.

Here’s a little about us:

I’m Steffany, and I founded Adoption & Beyond, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, in 1998. I, along with each member of our staff, have been both personally and professionally impacted by adoption, and many of us have been through the home study process ourselves. 

 As a non-profit,  child-placing agency, we work diligently to uphold ethical values and transparency in everything we do, while always keeping the child’s best interests at heart. We created the All About Adoption 101 course to help families overcome the overwhelm and get their journeys started on the right foot.

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Six Avenues of Adoption Mini Course Terms of Use

By purchasing The Six Avenues of Adoption Mini Course (hereinafter the “Program”), you, the purchaser (hereinafter “Student”) enter an agreement with Adoption & Beyond, Inc. ("Company") and agree to the following terms:

1. Course Deliverables
The Program is an online course. Company agrees to provide the content as promised on the Program checkout page, which includes:
A Password Protected Course Area that may include various types of content, including video, audio, written lessons, templates, quiz, worksheets, checklists, slide decks and other training and support materials.

Student will retain access to the Program for the life of the Program, meaning for as long as Company offers and maintains the Program. Company will provide Student with at least one month’s notice should Company need to retire the program. It is then Student’s responsibility to download all materials from the Program before the retirement date noted by Company.

2. Privacy Policy
Company's Privacy Policy (https://adoption-beyond.org/privacy-policy/) is hereby incorporated by reference into this agreement. Student understands that Company will be providing educational content to Student and that Company’s obligations under this Agreement exist only while Student is a paying member of the Program. Company’s obligations will cease once Student or Company cancels Student’s membership.

3. Relationship of the Parties
Student understands that Company is not providing one-on-one service on behalf of Student.
The Program is for educational purposes. Student understands not to rely solely on the Program to inform Student's decisions.

Company is not a doctor, lawyer, accountant, tax professional, or therapist. Student understands that none of Company's services are a substitute for the work of such professionals. Student understands it is their responsibility alone to consult relevant professionals before acting in a manner which may change Student's circumstances.

4. Payment
In consideration of Student’s access to the Program, Student agrees to pay the price as promised on the checkout page.
Student hereby authorizes Company to charge Student’s credit card or debit card.

5. No Refunds
Company has a strict no refund policy on the Program. Student understands and agrees to this.

6. Cancellation
Student may not cancel their payments for the Program and understands that they are responsible for paying for the Program in full upon registration. Should Student fail to make timely payment, Company may immediately suspend Student’s access to the Program and pursue whatever remedies available to collect the balance owed.
Company may cancel Student’s Program at any time for any reason.

7. No Master Resell Rights. No Personal Label Rights.
Master Resell Rights and Personal Label Rights are not available for this course. Student understands that no rights of reproduction are transferred by this Agreement. Student agrees not to create any derivative works of the content found in the Program.

8. Confidentiality and Non Disclosure
Company recognizes and acknowledges that the services rendered to Student by may reveal confidential information that is proprietary to Student. “Confidential Information” means all material, non-public, business-related information, written or oral, whether or not it is marked that is disclosed or made available to Company, directly or indirectly, through any means of communication or observation. Company agrees not to share and agrees to take reasonable measures to protect Student’s Confidential Information.

Likewise, Student recognizes and acknowledges that the services rendered to Student by Company may also reveal confidential information that is proprietary to Company. Company has developed a step-by-step process to work with Students. This process along with any materials drafted by Company and provided to Student are confidential. Student agrees not to share these materials with others. Student agrees to take reasonable measures to protect Company’s confidential information. Student agrees to bind its employees and subcontractors to the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

9. Intellectual Property
Company owns the rights to all content in the Program such as texts in the forms of guides, books, explanations and the like, as well as other graphics, logos, images, downloads, and other like materials. Student’s participation in the Program does not transfer any intellectual property rights to Student. Company grants Student a single-use, non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable license to any and all Program content.

10. Force Majeure
Company shall not be liable or responsible to Student, nor be deemed to have defaulted or breached this Agreement, for any failure or delay in fulfilling or performing any term of this Agreement when and to the extent such failure or delay is caused by or results from acts or circumstances beyond the reasonable control of the Company including, without limitation, acts of God, flood, fire, earthquake, explosion, governmental actions, war, invasion, or hostilities (whether war is declared or not), terrorist threats or acts, riot, or other civil unrest, national emergency, revolution, insurrection, epidemic, lock-outs, strikes or other labor disputes (whether or not relating to either party’s workforce), or restraints or delays affecting carriers or inability or delay in obtaining supplies of adequate or suitable materials, materials or telecommunication breakdown or power outage.

11. Independent Contractor
Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to create a partnership, joint venture, employment, or agency relationship. Company agrees only to provide Student with access to the Program, which provides education and information. The information contained in the Program, including any interactions with the instructors, is not intended as, and shall not be understood or construed as, professional advice.

12. Severability
If any provision of this Contract shall be declared invalid or unenforceable, such provision shall be deemed eliminated from this Contract, and all remaining provisions shall continue in full force and effect.

13. Liability
Student absolves Company of any and all liability or loss Student may suffer or incur as a result of use of the Program and/or any information and resources contained in the Program. To the extent permitted by law, Student agrees that Company shall not be liable to Student for any type of damages, including direct, indirect, special, incidental, equitable, or consequential loss or damages for use of the Program.

14. Warranty
Company makes no representations about the suitability, reliability, availability, timeliness, and accuracy of the information, software, products, services, and related graphics contained in the Program for any purpose. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, all such information, software, products, services, and related graphics are provided “as is” without warranty or condition of any kind. Company and/or its suppliers hereby disclaim all warranties and conditions with regard to this information, software, products, services, and related graphics, including all implied warranties or conditions of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title, and non-infringement.

15. Assignment
Student may not assign this Agreement without express written consent of Company.

16. Modification
Company may modify terms of this agreement at any time. All modifications shall be posted on the Company’s website and purchasers shall be notified.

17. Indemnification
Student agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the Company, its officers, directors, employees, agents, and third parties for any losses, costs, liabilities, and expenses (including reasonable attorneys’ fees) relating to or arising out of Student’s use of or inability to use the Program and related services, any user postings made by Student, Student's violation of any terms of this Agreement or Student's violation of any rights of a third party, or Student’s violation of any applicable laws, rules or regulations.

18. Dispute Resolution
Student expressly waives any and all claims, now or in the future, arising out of or relating to the Program. To the extent Student attempts to assert any such claim, Student hereby expressly agrees to present such claim only in the small claims courts in Johnson County, Kansas.

Last Updated: 8/12/24
I agree

Worried about making a mistake in the adoption process?

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For just $12, you’ll get our Common Adoption Mistakes Video + Guide

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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

Completing payment with PayPal

  • Total payment
  • 1xAvenues of Adoption$37

All prices in USD